Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dreams ( Improved)

Why dreams are made? Why people still holding on their dreams? Why the world encourage dreams? Since our childhood we deal with dream (for example watching Disney movies).  The world around us encourage keeping dreaming because dreams make the world go around. They were always the gasoline for success and always will be. Yes, they do come true.
My name is Juliana Ruiz and I`m fourteen years old. I always had this hugely dreams to study in an American college. Since my child days I had been trying to accomplish it. It took years preparing myself and a lot of dedication. By this time I can say that I`m prepared to join this college. All this time spent in California taught me a lot of academic skill but more important than that, I taught me values to carry for the rest of my life. Knowing American culture gives me different experiences and helped me to improve my values.
I`m applying to this college feeling completely ready for this new days to come. Being a value improved person and also minded improved I’m anxious to join Cal State Fullerton and make my dream come true.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Analyzing Arguments

Research shows that teenagers’ body clocks are set to a schedule that is different from that of younger children or adults. This prevents adolescents from dropping off until around 11 p.m., when they produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and waking up much before 8 a.m. when their bodies stop producing melatonin. The result is that the first class of the morning is often a waste, with as many as 28 percent of students falling asleep, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll.

The argument is valid because the premises are strong by the use of facts and numbers.  Using as premises the different body clock from the teenagers the author came with the valid conclusion that waking up early makes the first ours awake unproductive. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012



Research conducted in the past decade has revealed that young people who regularly play violent computer games have a tendency to be more aggressive than those who do not.

On the issue of violence, the modern media surrounds us with violence. Movies such as 'The Matrix', television programs such as the news, newspaper reports of sports such as boxing, and radio dramas often involve violence.

The opinions if playing video games is bad for kids are controversial (Walker, 2001; Smith, 2003).Although Walker (2001, pp. 108-124) states that video games conduce kids to have a tendency to aggressive; Smith (2003) argues that violence comes also from TV programs. In my opinion violence does not comes only from the video games but also from all the media violence involving the children. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


Wheellwright, Jeff. (2001, March). Don`t eat again. Discover, 22, 36-43.


Babies born in homes with pets are hardly contaminated with  respiratory diseases and colds during their childhood.(By Ryan Jaslow-

A Finnish study finds babies who grow up with pets - especially dogs - are less likely to develop colds and other respiratory infections by the time they're toddlers.

Monday, July 2, 2012


My name is Juliana Ruiz and I'm fourteen years old. I live in Brazil and my interest in the college is to start building my future. Why thinking about the future? Because dreams is all about it.